2024 Silent Directed Retreat

2-Night Option A: Friday, Sept 20 (4pm) – Sunday, Sept 22 (1pm)

2-Night Option B: Sunday, Sept 22 (4pm) – Tuesday, Sept 24 (1pm)

4-Night Option: Friday, Sept 20 (4pm) – Tuesday, Sept 24 (1pm)

Enjoy a guided weekend of silence, spiritual renewal, rest, and listening to the voice of God. Our guest speaker and facilitator is Rev. Terry Cathcart, a seasoned pastor, spiritual director, and silent retreat leader. He has been involved in retreat ministry for over 40 years. He’ll be accompanied by worship leader Rob Engelhart, as well as a team of spiritual directors with whom participants may meet during the weekend.

This retreat offers participants an opportunity to explore and experience a variety of spiritual practices with a group of about 25 others. These practices include silence, solitude, spiritual direction, lectio divina, visio divina, singing of chants, journaling, lament, centering prayer, healing prayer, contemplative worship, holy communion, and the examen.  The contemplative worship services for this year’s silent directed retreat will focus on the theme of Praying with Stories of Transformation. The theme is inspired by these words of Paul to the Church of Corinth:  And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord and though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit. All participants have private rooms and the trails around Covenant Point and kayaks and Hagerman Lake and the Island of Hagerman for making a retreat with a leisurely time of resting in God’s presence. Participation in the schedule of planned gatherings is entirely optional. And finally, the registration for the retreat includes the option of Friday-Sunday attendance, Sunday to Tuesday attendance, and Friday to Tuesday attendance.

Check-in for 2-Night Option A opens at 4:00 pm and the retreat begins with dinner at 5:30 pm (Central Time) Friday and concludes at 1:00pm Sunday. Check-in for 2-Night Option B opens at 4:00 pm and the retreat begins with dinner at 5:30 pm (Central Time) Sunday and concludes at 1:00pm Tuesday.
You may also register for both options, and join us for the entire 4-days.

2024 Theme: Praying With Stories of Transformation

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another;  for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3: 17-18)

As we look at Jesus, as we see his glory, we are inspired (in-spirited) to follow in his way, and in that process of following in his way, we are being transformed by Him from one degree of glory to another.

Serving on the facilitating team for this year’s retreat will be: Terry Cathcart (pastor, spiritual director, and retreat leader), Rob Engelhart (worship leader), and several other spiritual directors.

2024 Silent Retreat Pricing: 

  • 2-Night Options: $180
  • 4-Night Option: $280

(to join the 4-night option, register for both option A & B)

A $25 processing fee will be kept in the case of any cancellation one week (7 days) or more from the start of the retreat. In the case of a cancellation less than one week from the start of the retreat, no payments will be refunded. 

Packing List:

  • Bedding, towel, and toiletries
  • Clothing for all weather
  • Walking shoes
  • Swimsuit for sauna (if interested)
  • Bible, notebook and pen
  • Flashlight